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Functional Fitness NW was founded in 2014 as a private training center to help clientele achieve their fitness and health goals with measurable success.  From weight management, injury prevention, and athletic performance, Functional Fitness NW specializes in creating personal workout programs specific to an individual's needs, time, and ability.


Founder Nick Swanegan is a former collegiate athlete who has dedicated his life to fitness and health. He has a Bachelor of Science degree in Exercise Physiology, as well as NASM degrees in Corrective Exercise and Sports Performance. As a standout multi-sport athlete, Nick has a comprehensible understanding of all sports and has trained numerous athletes in order to take them to the next level of collegiate-level athletics. 


Nick dedicates his life to understanding this simple question: What causes bodily imbalances? These imbalances often cause injury and pain when left untreated, so Nick is passionate about identifying the postural deviations we develop in our daily lives and creating "imprinting" to combat those specific imbalances.


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